- Keep these accessories and supplies available to make your packing a breeze:
- Bubble Wrap
- Boxes of all sizes
- A Tape Measure
- Marker to label boxes
- Furniture pads, sheets, towels and blankets
- Packing Tape
- Scissors
- Rope and twine
- Use the marker to write on the box which room it came from so you know where to put it when you arrive.
- Make an inventory of the boxes, keep count and keep a list of what's in each box.
- Keep a First-Aid kit Available.
- Pack a suitcase or bag with a change of clothes, toiletries, maps, food and drinks. Include a game or two if children will be along for the ride/move
- Clearly mark fragile items.
- Use your towels to wrap vases and other large glassware. Use sheets and blankets to protect furniture from scratches.