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Small business web hosting |
There is no denying the fact that with virtual web hosting, you get a professionally managed server at an affordable price. According to experts, this type of hosting is particularly good for smaller ecommerce websites or sites that are made up of mostly static pages. It is worth mentioning in this regard that hosting companies that offer virtual hosting have their own technical support teams that take care of any problems for you. Thats why, even novices with little or no technical skills can use these services to host their website. Furthermore, companies that provide virtual hosting usually offer different packages, with different options and services. You can opt for the package that best suits your needs, at a price you can afford. Theoretically speaking, each package will offer a certain amount of disk space, bandwidth, databases, email accounts, etc. In few cases, they'll also include site building software that will let you set up your website in minutes. It is advisable that you should look for a host that provides 24 hour technical support and unlimited file transfers for updating and maintaining your website. If experts are to be believed, many hosting companies also include web statistics software with their virtual hosting plans. This software is very pivotal as it lets you track the most popular pages on your website, where people are coming from (Google, Yahoo, other websites, etc.), where most of your visitors are located in the world, etc. It is worth pointing in this regard that most virtual hosting accounts include some kind of "control panel" for managing your website. As a matter of fact these control panels give you a simple graphical interface to many of the features of your server. In theory, these are especially valuable to anyone who is not very technical and doesn't have access to a server administrator on a permanent basis. What You Need to Watch Out For If experts are to be believed, when choosing a virtual hosting company, there are a few things you need to watch out for. First and foremost, make sure they are not resellers but actually host the sites on their own servers. It is worth noting that some hosting companies are reselling other companies' services and if you ever have a problem, they're just a middleman between you and the true host. All this can add to the length of time to get problems resolved. Its your responsibility to make sure that their technical support staff is properly trained and readily available. Thats why, if possible try to contact them prior to signing up and see how helpful they are. On the other hand, if you can get some references for other webmasters using the hosting company, contact them to see whether or not they're happy with the service they've received. The question now arises: What is a web hosting company What services do they provide What does bandwidth, server, html, ftp, domain and banner mean Theoretically speaking, there is literally hundreds of web hosting companies out there, but they all do basically the same thing. It is worth noting that for a fee a web hosting company will allow you space on their computer system, or server, which then acts as a host computer for your web site. Always remember that the coded information that makes your web site appears and function is stored on the hosting companys server. Always remember that access to your website is available through the companys Internet connection. According to experts, for providing this service, the web hosting company will charge you a fee, usually on a monthly basis. It is worth noting that occasionally a new company will offer a discounted rate if you pay a year in advance. But if you are interested in following this route, take care though, some of these companies are short lived and if they go down, they take your web site with them. If experts are to be believed, the type of services a web hosting company may offer can differ slightly as well. Theoretically speaking, there is a limit on how much space you are allowed to occupy on the server and this can vary from company to company. On the other hand, some will offer you a free email account that goes along with your website and is specific to your business. Some offer advertising, affiliate programs and more. The best advice one can give you is this: Always go for a company that has been in business for a while, at least three or four years. That way you will be completely aware that they will be around and that they know how to be profitable in their own business, which equals good service, few problems and longevity. Always remember it is not that hard and it's not that expensive to set up and manage the hosting of websites. As a matter of fact the sign up for a web hosting account is very simple. After you have select a name for your website and registered the domain name, the next step is to find a web hosting service. There are number of Small Business web Hosting providers out there. But before you select a web-hosting provider, you should shop around and compare offers. By using this route, you will be able to know if any particular offer is a good deal before you sign up. It is worth pointing that you can begin your search by asking friend's, relatives and business associates who have websites of their own, who they recommend. There is no denying that word of mouth can sometimes lead you in the right direction. In addition, you can also search the many web-hosting directories on the web. As a matter of fact you will be able to search these directories using the features that you're looking for in a web host. Once you've selected a few potential hosts, you should contact them and ask questions. Always remember that a reliable web host should be able to fully answer questions that you have. According to experts, when you contact them, keep record of how each web host answered your questions and how quick they responded. Following this route, you'll be able to evaluate them and decide which one meets your needs. Majority of web hosting providers offers multiple plans. Thats why, don't choose a plan that offers you features you don't need, or may never use. Opt for a plan that provides the features you actually need. Other Articles1. small business web site You are a small business owner. You use the Internet both in your business as well as in personal life. 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