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Business plan internet cafe |
Clicking Your Way To A Successful Enterprise Starting an Internet Caf is a wonderful enterprise, but, like any other business, requires a specific business plan to help you launch it. Operating an Internet Caf does not merely involve taking a dozen-odd computers, placing chairs in front of them, getting an Internet connection and starting off the business! You need to have a definite strategy, promote the business, install the requisite software, and see to a whole lot of other aspects. Before you even start making a business plan, you need to decide on the following: 1. Type of Caf: Are you planning to launch a specific type of Caf, such as a gaming caf 2. The Finance: From where are you obtaining the finance to set up the caf 3. The Structure: Do you wish to operate the caf on a sole ownership basis or will you take a Partner in the business The First Click Put your fingers to the keyboard and Type out all the important aspects of your business plan: 1. Make a brief summary describing the set-up of the caf and its location, as well as the usage charges (per minute / per hour, etc.). 2. A list of the number of people you will need to employ at the caf and their specific duties. 3. Provide the details of insurance on your caf. 4. A list of the initial costs of launching your caf such as for electrical connections, furniture, painting work, basic software, etc. 5. If you will be applying for a loan, details of the application. 6. A list of the number of computers / accessories that you will need, together with a list of the suppliers. 7. An idea of the income your Internet caf will generate and the basis on which you assumed that you would make this revenue. 8. Explanation of your marketing strategy. 9. Ensure you have relevant documents vis--vis your finances. It is important to have your financial statement from your Bank, as well as copies of (a) document of the ownership / leased space where you will set up the caf; (b) business license to operate the caf; (c) letters from your supplier confirming that they will be sending you the requisite equipment; (d) any documents of a legal matter. Targeting Potential Customers @ The Caf In order to generate good revenues, you need to attract customers, which in turn is dependent on good promotional strategies. This can be done, for example, by making flyers and distributing it at strategic locations. You can also put in an advertisement in the local newspaper and make sure it stands out from the clutter of other advertisements. It is also essential to display your cafs name / address / contact numbers prominently in the telephone directory. Sending flyers via mail is also a good idea. Dont forget to have your own caf website and mention it in the promotional campaigns! $$$$ For The Caf: Financing First and foremost, find out how much funds you presently have and exactly how much you are likely to need for the initial start-up (and later development) of the Internet caf. You will have to specifically tell the financier for what purposes you need funds and the potential profits you are likely to make. Financing Sources: One way of raising money is borrowing from your friends and relatives, provided, of course, they are willing to do so and you need small funds! As a first-timer in this business, you may find it tough to obtain a long-term loan from a Bank. However, you can get a seasonal loan or specific loans, such as for equipment. Just remember that it is also important to provide a personal guarantee to the financier, which assures him that you are serious about your business and will try your best to ensure the Internet caf is profitable. Now lets look at the Heart of the Caf The Terminals Look around for a firm that can provide you with computer terminals on a wholesale basis - and haggle for the price! If you are aiming to set up a purely gaming Internet caf, you will require the more expensive computers with up-to-date graphic software; otherwise the minimum fundamental type of computer with Internet caf software can be utilized. The Furniture It is essential to have comfortable seating arrangements at the terminals, keeping in mind the fact that your customer will be spending long hours glued to the monitor. Chairs with hard backs and equally hard seats are bound to have your customers squirming and unlikely to visit frequently. Also, dont forget that teenage customers generally come in groups, so ensure there are extra seating arrangements for them. The Software Ctrl - Software For Yourself: To operate an Internet caf, you need to install software whereby you can control all the computers from a single computer. From this computer, you can, for example, shutdown a customers computer if he refuses to leave the terminal when it is time to close up the caf. The software also helps you to keep a tab on the time period of usage and fees. Software For Your Customers: If you have opted to launch an Internet caf solely for office-related services, the software should include the fundamental programs of MS Office, Internet surfing, checking e-mail accounts, as well as printing / scanning facilities. It would be a good idea to also have a Photocopier and Fax machine to generate more revenue. The Source of $$$$$ The price you charge should not be so over-the-top that your customers stay away! Keep it nominal, dependent on usage time, and consider giving extra minutes / discounted charges of usage time to customers who frequently use a terminal for longer hours you will have that customer coming in again and again! Here, too, it is feasible to utilize software to manage the expenses vis--vis billing. It would also be a good idea to generate revenues with additional facilities, like provision for hot cups of coffee and soft drinks you can install a vending machine on the premises if it is within your budget. Look ahead, and stock on floppies, CDs, a few pen drives, computer stationery, etc. a customer is very likely to have a sudden need to download some important information and will be frustrated if you do not have the much-needed item at a crucial moment. & +: Additional Aspects Taxes: You must have a thorough knowledge of the taxes you are required to pay and also how these taxes can affect your business. Dont forget that you also need to pay employee taxes! License: You must have a license to operate your Internet caf. Laws: You must adhere to the legal rules and regulations of the State in which you set up the Internet caf. Also, as your customers increase and there is an upward trend in revenues, it is vital that you obtain the advice of a legal expert at important stages of that growth. Make sure to keep in mind to find out about prevailing laws on employee wages, benefits and working conditions at the caf. Personnel: You need to decide on which type of skill your employees should be capable of doing. You can then either put in an advertisement in the local newspapers or simply paste a prominent poster on your caf window (e.g. Wanted A Net-Savvy Individual To Help Our Customers Step Inside!). One other alternative is to take on staff on a contract service basis for aspects like security. In such a case, check out the license of the firm providing the service and obtain a reference from someone who has used that service. So what are you waiting for Quick, tap Enter and start your Internet Caf! Do not despair if there are a few hiccups in launching your Internet enterprise or you face an early loss in revenues- life has its ups and downs. Each time there is there is a hang up, tap Ctrl + Alt + Del and get going again! Other Articles1. business home internet start With Internet presence growing all over the world it is no surprise that more and more people are exploring the ... 2. international internet business Genesis of Internet business:The impact of changed communication technologies resulted a century of globalizatio... 3.starting home based internet business Just gaze around and youll come to know that everyone wants to start their own business. This is a common feel .. |
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