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London Gardens

London Gardens: Places to find peace and pleasure

London is a city of luscious plants and shady trees. London gardens and parks proffer the city a refreshing angle. You can always take a refuge in the lush gardens to shun chaotic motion of the city. Stocky trees, breathtaking waterfalls and frolicking wildlife are arresting features for any one visiting these gardens.

Some prominent London gardens and parks are managed under the supervision of Royal Parks. The below list is of the parks and gardens that are natural treasury of Royal Parks.

1) Kensington Gardens

2) Hyde park

3) Bushy Park

4) The Green Park

5) Greenwich park

6) The Regent’s park

7) Richmond Park

8) St. James Park

1) Kensington Gardens:

Kensington Gardens was chosen by King William 3rd as a salutary shelter to fight out his asthma. So impressed the king got with its utter tranquility that he entrusted Sir Christopher Wren the job to accomplish an imposing palace in the backdrop of the garden. Today the palace is called Kensington Palace. The Garden is an outgrowth of Hyde Park; Queen Anne had afforded 30 acres from Hyde Park to elongate the circumference of the Kensington Gardens. Today, it stretches over 260 acres of land.

Kensington Gardens is a great place to enjoy the proximity of nature through picnics, cycling, and other musical events.

Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground is a mesmerizing addition to The Kensington Gardens. A pirate ship with and artificial beach, various toys and sculpted playhouses at the playground lure children with its all enchantment. Every year more than 70,000 kids till 12 years throng the Gardens to rejoice the fun for free.

The wildlife luxuriates in the affable surroundings of the Gardens. Including the existence of Greenwood Pecker, Eels, and three-spined Sticklebacks, Kensington Gardens boasts of 178 types of wildlife species.

The Kensington Gardens is open all round the year from morning to evening.

2) Hyde Park:

In the era of King Henry 8th, the Hyde Park was a hunting space, but today, sprawling over 350 acres of land, it is one of the fascinating tourist destinations in London. Every essential element of relaxation is present here. Serpentine Boathouse and Lido, Lawn Tennis Courts, Bowling Rinks, and Horse riding facilities are at their best to experience the park with family or individually. The erstwhile observation point of police at the Park is today working as an educational help to enlighten children about nature and its different aspects.

The Park is conscientious to the need of the disabled. That’s why it has a special toilet facility for people with mobility problems. The toilet facility for normal people and baby change facility are of awesome quality. The cafeteria of the Park takes care of the visitors’ fatigue by serving refreshing cold drinks and steaming 3-course meals.

The London gardens park can be accessed from morning till midnight throughout the year

3) Bushy Park:

Scattered over 450 hectares, this park is an astonishing amalgam of trees, plants, and ponds. The Chestnut Avenue and Arethusa Diana Fountain are great spectacles of the park. Several sports like Hocky, Rugby, Football, Cricket, and Tennis can be officiated at the park with all gaming arrangements. The park has a special cell to look after the sports’ need of the disabled players.

Swimming and fishing venues make the park a suitable destination to head for when longing a complete leisure of the body and mind.

The park is accepts both the pedestrian and vehicles. The park can be enjoyed from dawn to 10.30 pm in the evening.

4) The Green Park:

This park, covering 16 hectares, is an unruffled state of green charm. People fed up with the commotion of Piccadilly find peaceful surroundings of the park soul soothing. The Green Park is linked to St.James Park, Hyde Park, and Buckingham Palace; therefore, more people tend to traverse to other spacious parks leaving Green Park a quiet destination.

Encircled by Constitution Hill, the scenic beauty of park looks inimitable. Once that Park had Tyburn pool, Queen’s Basin, and Temple of Peace, but today in the journey of time they have lost. Nevertheless the Park is a reverberating entity with its various trees and carpet of grass.

5) The Greenwich Park:

Based on a Hilltop, the park is 73 hectares of space . The Royal Navel College, The National Maritime Museum, The old Royal observatory, Queen’s House account for a large part of attraction at the park

Flower garden, Deer Park, Children playground: These all are fantastic facets of the Park to make merry at the Park with entire family. Arrangements for Riverboating, Cricket, Tennis, and Putting help to flex the sporting muscles of the visitors to a large extent. Bandstand of the Park organizes musical concerts to entertain the Park visitors.

Hot and cold beverages, snack and meals from the refreshment points of the park are available to energize body and satisfy the soul.

The park is enjoyable throughout the year from morning to evening.

6) The Regent’s Park:

Regent Park, named after Prince Regent, is a stunning green tract of 197 hectares. Primarily, the park was used for hunting adventures of king hennery 8th. Today it is an amusement destination with all latter day equipments.

Facilities for Netball, Tennis, Golf, Athletics, Softball, and Cricket transmute this park into a great sight to sweat. The Hub — a grand sporting complex with eateries – at the Park houses modern sporting resources for members and visitors of the park. The restaurants and cafes serve exciting food menu to satiate the aim of dining out to a tee. Other entertainment programs like puppet shows and musical events are held to proffer the visitors of the Park an ecstatic round of excursion.

Open-air theatre, loch- side theater and London Zoo constitute ultimate fun corridors of the Park.

The park is accessible to the tourists and common Londoners from dawn to dusk, every single day of the year.

7) Richmond Park:

With astonishing 1,000 hectares of stretch, the Richmond Park is the largest piece of green in Royal Parks of London. A riveting sight of St. Paul Cathedral atop the park is a spellbinding experience. The Park is teeming with scarce species of plants and other wild creatures. Red and Fallow Deer, Click and Stag Beetle, with old Oak and other trees are taken care of with utmost attention at the park. Being announced as National Nature Reserve, the Park makes every endeavor to ensure the safety and development of reverberating wildlife in its lap. Astounding views of Hills, Grasslands, and Woodland Gardens are weaved across the park to conjure up an eye-catching experience at the park

This park too has refreshment points and game venues for a beatific outing at the park.

The Park is usable from 7 am in the sweltering summer and 7.30 am in perishing winter by evening, across the year.

9) St.James Park:

This Park enjoys the pride of being oldest among the Royal parks. Royalty rubs off on the Park from three splendid palaces in the vicinity. Westminster (Today called, Houses of Parliament), Buckingham Palace, St. James Palace girdle the space of the park from three sides.

The park is a cozy dwelling for sundry bird species. The green carpet of grass with huge trees creates a haven-like sight. Moreover musical waves rippled by the band of the Park during summer weekends help set the mood of visitors joyous. Playfield of the Park is a tremendously popular with kids. On the food front, “Inn the park” is a top-notch restaurant in the circle of the Park. All in all St. James Park is a complete respite from the monotonous routine-life.

Other gardens, save for Royal Parks, that contribute to the greenery of London gardens are: Kew Gardens, Epping Forest, Jubilee Gardens, Victoria Park, Crystal Palace Park, Blackheath, Victoria Tower Gardens, Victoria Embankment Gardens, and Battersea Park.

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