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London School

The term “school” is often used to denote two types of meanings. The first meaning, as we all know simply stands for a particular space where human beings are given their necessary education. However, in this regard by the term school we generally think about children and young people going to a particular place for receiving the basic formal education. The second meaning stands for a particular stream of thoughts set by an institution where the scholars of that particular institution follow it. For example, the Frankfurt school of thoughts.

However, the educational system of London has largely stressed on the issues of education and a number of schools have long been in operation providing the young kids the type of primary education and formal training they need. The role of a school is greatly significant in the sense that it imparts education on the human minds, mostly in young ones. Education includes various ways of teaching, academics and learning various skills of respective specificities and it is in itself is much more profound and less tangible – imparting the right knowledge, patience, tolerance and wisdom. The role of school in giving education in a sense gives a person an orientation to the meaning of human culture including the indigenous culture from generation to generation.

Primary Education in a London based School:

England has already taken a giant leap in implementing “interactive teaching” in the National Literacy Strategy of England. Most of the primary schools have adopted what is called the interactive teaching. It has been a step of the National Literacy Strategy (NLS) Framework for Teaching and has been seen as one of the five points of “successful teaching”. This kind of a program for the welfare of the primary education in England was first introduced in September 1998 for the goal target of 80 per cent of the 11 year-olds attaining the standards of literacy expected for their age by the year 2002. All the London based primary schools more or less follow the implementation model of the ‘Framework for Teaching’ (DfEE, 1998).This kind of program has the provision of a number of “short-term learning objectives” to be undertaken each year for those between the ages of six and eleven. All the major London based schools follow the model of microteaching, the concept of which came from Flanders. These schools also present their expertise in the filed of interactive teaching by the process of ‘video stimulated reflective dialogue’ that helps the young children to have a grasp on their studies and education to great extent.

Another theory regarding the investigation of the condition of primary education in London as well in other parts of Britain was found out by Stubbs (1976) and Barnes (1976). In their research on the mode of communication and interaction in a classroom by the application of qualitative methodology they found out that there were various types of questions asked by the teacher were seldom a part of the normal conversation. It can be related to the findings of the French postmodern philosopher Michel Foucault regarding his theory on Discourse. In a classroom, a discourse is created where the authority of the teacher becomes that of the controlling factor and as a result there comes a power relation in between. Stubbs and Barnes showed the way through the discussion of the students in groups, which enable them to interpret and create meanings for themselves.

A few primary London based schools:

»Public Schools Grammar Schools

»Dame Schools Ragged Schools

»Acworth School Kings wood School

»Haberdashers' Aske's School St Paul's School

»Hailey bury School Westminster School

»International School of London

»Cheltenham Ladies College North London Collegiate School

»Christ's Hospital Roe dean School

»Edinburgh Academy Rugby School

»Eton College Shrewsbury School

Types of Schools for Higher Studies

London being one of the busiest and most important cities of the world, one can find all types of schools in London specialized in various fields of studies and academics. The following are some of the types of schools:

(a) Schools for the study of Economics: Among the Economic schools in London, the most deserved one is the London School of Economics. This is one of its own unique school specialized in the studies of economics and other social sciences. The standard academic study of economics is undoubtedly one of the top in the world and this school attracts thousands of foreign students each year.

(b) Schools for Business Studies: London Business School has been consistently ranking as one of the top business schools in a worldwide basis. Each year over 800 students completes their study of MBA (Masters in Business Administration) from this school.

(c) Science, Mathematics and Technology Studies: The London School of Mathematics, Science and Technology specialize in research, postgraduate teaching, and consultancy in Mathematics, Science, Geography, Business and Economics, Information Communications Technology.

(d) Film Schools of London: There is a number of leading film schools from where hundreds of film students specialized in the fields of editing, scriptwriting, cinematography, is graduated every year. London Film Academy is one of the leading film schools.

(e) Cultural Studies: The London School of Culture, Language and Communication covers the most contemporary issues of culture, its studies and the literary, sociological, aesthetic and political implications.

Among others are: The London School of English (English language studies), The School of Oriental and African Studies (Oriental Studies), London School of Theology, London School of Music (for classical as well as modern music).

Related Topics:

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»London School for Economics

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»London School for Business

»London School for English Language

»London School for Oriental Studies

»London School for Occidental Studies

»London School for Primary Education

»London School for Secondary Education

»London School for Higher Education

»London School for Adult Education

»London School for Boys

»London School for Girls

»London Coeducational School

»London School for Advanced Studies

»London School of Sound

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»London Public School

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